Monday, March 21, 2016

The intern

I watched "the intern" which had Anne Hathaway and Robert deniro in it. So probably what you are thinking is, this movie is going to be really bad with sexual innuendos and inappropriate scenes. I once again was really quite shocked at how clean this movie was. I also really enjoyed the story line. It was definitely one of those feel good movies but not really one that would make you need a whole box of tissues or anything. But it was a good movie and I was happy to see that especially these actors were able to make a movie with a good plot line that cause the audience to evaluate life better.

Monday, March 7, 2016


So this weekend I watched the movie Pixels. It is an Adam Sandler movie and of course his movies are quite hit and miss when it comes to appropriateness. He has some really good funny movies that I enjoy to watch but there are also many that have a lot of inappropriate humor and innuendo's and such. I heard that this particular movie was not that good, as in not that funny or worth seeing. But my fiancee had seen it and said he was pleasantly surprised with how clean it was and how he thought it did have a lot of humor and cleverness to it. So I gave it a chance and lo and behold I believe my fiancee to be right. It was really clean which is surprising with Adam Sandler. I would relate this to the movie bed time stories that he did a few years ago. It was funny and very clean and I enjoyed that one as well. It is just nice to see that he is making these kind of movies. Who knows it may be because he has his own kids now and he has learned what is appropriate. None the less I would recommend it.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

little boy

I watched the movie little boy last night and I really enjoyed this film. It has a lot of really good lessons and morals that I think can be valued. This very small boy is very attached to his father and they are best friends. This boy is also ridiculed by some of the other boys in his town so this creates an even bigger attachment to his dad. It is set in the war time with japan and pearl harbor and his brother can't go to war because he has flat feet so his dad ends up having to go. This crushes the family because he is such a central part of the family. The family finally finds out that he is taken as a prisoner of war and is missing. So this little boy goes to the Reverend for help to bring his dad home through faith. He tell him to befriend a Japanese man in the town. He doesn't want to because people will be angry with him but he wants his dad to come home more so he ends up making friends with this man so much so that when the man is in the hospital about to die he is desperate for him to live. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it but it really has wonderful lessons of faith, hope, and charity all rolled up into one movie. I quite enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good movie to watch.  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Downton abbey

I have been watching a little bit of downton abbey and I have really enjoyed watching it so far. There is drama and I like the fact that they have a lot of the show focused on the servants and heir perspective. It is also interesting to see that these people who are servants are payed and they choose it as an occupation. Of course it probably isn't the most desired occupation in their minds but it gets them an income I suppose. It is a pretty clean show as well probably because when shows and movies are set in that time period, things that are considered inappropriate were very private and were not broadcast as if they were something to be sought after. If people had scandals they did everything hey could to cover it up or take care of it descreetly. Just an interesting dynamic.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I love the T.V. show, psych. I watched the whole series altogether on netflix a couple years ago and now my fiance and I are watching them again. I just love the quick wit and humor that is presented. I also love that the characters are intelligent and are busy doing good things in life but that they also have fun while they are doing it. It shows that there is definitely dramatic moments in life and that there are going to be moments that need to be treated seriously but also that life can be fun and it can be enjoyed through those times. I think it presents a pretty good balance between taking things too seriously and also making too many jokes just to cope with what is going on. I also love that this show is very clean. The profanity is very seldom and there are very few sexual innuendos and to me it looks as though these people are doing the best they can to live a good life and create good long lasting relationships. The comedy is clean and so funny to me and I just love that. You don't see that as often any more. It seems like people feel that if it is going to be funny it has to be crude 90% of the time. Psych is just one of those good shows that you like to watch again because you are sad when it ends.

Monday, February 1, 2016


This past week I have been exposed to/watched the T.V. show, Survivor. My fiance's brother and roommates really like it so its on pretty much every time I go over there. As I have been watching, my complacency for the show continues to remain especially as I see the contestants compete against each other. There is so much drama which of course is why they keep the show on, however the way these people strategise and end up back stabbing each other is just fa nominal. They will make alliances and all of these strong bonds and friendships but all the while knowing that those will have to end at some point and they will have to throw each other under the bus so they can win 1 million dollars. It is such an interesting concept that the movie hunger games also enacts. But if you dont chose to make any alliances in the game then you have a huge target on your back for people to eliminate you. In this regard I don't love what this show can teach people or just what most people are like in these situations in general. It is kind of sad to see that money can turn people into mean backstabbing lairs. That's just my opinion.

Monday, January 25, 2016


This past weekend I was able to watch inception again. This movie is so intense! It really stretches the mind and makes you think. I love the movies and t.v. shows that help me think more. It seems that each time I watch a movie like this I catch something I never knew before or I understand something new. This time I had a brain hurting thought that his minds projection of maul "didn't know" that he had performed inception in her mind. When he tells her at the end that he did that she starts to cry and realize what happened but in reality, or what we think is reality, she is dead and gone and it's only his mind that is filling in her emotions because he thinks that's how she would feel. As you can see from me trying to explain it, it gets a little fuzzy and hurts your brain to try and wrap around it. I think things like this are good though because then we are in the practice of seeing and thinking of things in a different way and in a deeper way. I really like the movie and can't imagine the brain cramps that the writers may have had in creating this screen play.